Thursday, November 11, 2010

It's bubblicious!

The first concept map I made is a dissection of an algebraic term.  When I teach Pre-Algebra, I put a lot of emphasis on vocabulary and using math terms when explaining processes.  In the first week, I introduce variables and algebraic terms to my students.  We first learn to identify like terms, as you'll see the map describes and provides examples of what like terms are.  We then learn how to combine like terms, which you'll see the map also describes (using math terms) how to do so and provides examples.  The second concept map I made is the process to solve an algebraic expression. I find that students learn best from a good example with the process explained.  I felt kind of limited with concept maps and math, but think I could come up with some other things besides dissections and processes (like order of operations, too).

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